Notes From PBS special “The Great Crash Of 1929”

Notes and thoughts from PBS special, “The Great Crash Of 1929”

  • You could buy stock on credit, before.
  • Prices on the stock market were mostly just because of demand, not because of profits or performance, etc.
  • Groups of investors would scheme to buy stocks, drive up the price and then sell for major profit.
  • Newspaper reporters were paid off to help purport the lies.
  • Stock Market could be manipulated by even the lowest workers on the totem poll (such as ticker operators).
  • Roger Babson, an economist, criticized the stock market.
  • JP Morgan followed the advice of an astrologer.
  • Mr William Durant, founded General Motors. Heavy in the stock market. Was claimed to be worth 2 Billion in the 1920’s, what is that the equivalent of trillions now? Per . What cost $2,000,000,000 in 1929 would cost $25,216,569,635.11 in 2010.
  • There was a break in the stock market before the big crash in 1929.
  • Al Capone even declared that Wall Street people were crooked. It takes one to know one they say right? Why did people not listen?
  • “Confidence, not halfway confidence but 100% confidence is the real basis for our prosperity” – William Durant
  • The Charlie Mitchell’s, and JP Morgan’s were continuing to praise the stock market and speak optimistically 5 days before the great stock market crash of 1929. With this example amongst others, we should have learned that rich people are very un-trustworthy.
  • The stock market was bailed out multiple times before the big crash.
  • One guy says it takes about 30 years for a new breed of “suckers” to delude themselves into believing they can make it rich on the stock market.
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