No Greater Love

The Bible says there is no greater love than one person laying down his life for another. The way I see it most people are too scared to die or want to much to stay alive. Yet the killers and gangsters so to speak are the first to ask and probably the only to ask “would you die for me?”

Even thinking about it myself… I have no fear what so ever of dying but would I die for someone else?

I’ve always thought to myself there are people I would die for but my thought is, it really depends on what I think of the person. More so “can this person produce more than me in the remainder of their life?” I mean, I understand that sounds crazy because, how can you know something like that? There’s a part of me that kind of feels like I can’t die for someone else because, who will fulfill the thing I’m called to do if I don’t do it.

Even taking this deliberation from a different point of view let’s say laying down your life is “Living For Someone Else”. For instance a parent, I think they are supposed to basically put themselves aside and basically live their life to provide and train up their kid until the time comes that your kid is independent. Can’t say I know many that do that.

Would you die for someone?

Please leave your thoughts. Sometimes the only way one can find the truth is to examine all possibilities.